The Beaded Hands Project – A Fundraiser for Artist’s Emergency Relief
In this year 2020, people everywhere are experiencing mind-boggling distress in nearly every aspect of their lives. Like most people, I have spent more time at home due to COVID social distancing, which has given me more time for reflection and art-making.
Much of my work over the years has included miniature body parts, beaded and embroidered, but I have always been fascinated by hands. They are so ideal for expressing emotion and have numerous coded meanings. Look at how often hands show up as emoticons all over social media! So when beaded hands emerged during a design experiment, I immediately wanted to share them with others.
After some encouragement from artists and friends, I decided to make this design available as a means of raising funds for disaster relief here in the United States. I chose the Craft Emergency Relief Fund ( for its support of people in the arts.
To donate to this fund, go to the web site and click the Donate button. Fill out the form, and in the comment section, please write “Beaded Hands Project.”
With a donation to CERF+ of $5 or more you will receive the beaded hands tutorial.
CERF+ will send you a thank you email that looks like this:
Fill out this contact form. Don’t forget to attach your thank you letter where it says “Upload a file.” Then I will send you a pdf of the pattern tutorial.
When you are making your donation, please note that you can choose among a number of funds to donate to. You can also choose to make a donation in someone’s name.
The ten-page tutorial you will receive contains color illustrations and photographs. The instructions are written with the beginner in mind. What You Will Receive With The Beaded Hands Project Tutorial gives a description of the pattern in more detail.
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